Caroline provides counseling and therapy for people at all stages of life. As an Applied Positive Psychology Coach, Trauma Therapy counsellor and experienced Teacher, she can offer a wide range of tools to support and empower each individual.
Caroline’s specific expertise lies in supporting people who are experiencing chronic or acute pain and/or have endured a stressful or traumatic event/s that has left them feeling vulnerable or disempowered. She also works with primary and secondary students who need support managing stress, anxiety, tension or chronic pain or illness. NDIS clients are welcome if their NIDS Plans cover counselling, coaching, mindfulness &/or massage services.

What is counselling?
Counseling is provided to client who feels uncomfortable or dissatisfied with aspects of their life. They are seeking guidance and advice. In these situations, Caroline works remedially on a client’s problem to identify issues both psychological and physical, to determine how best to support the client’s management of the issues and recovery. This may involve working collaboratively with other services providers where permission to share information is granted. e.g. Physiotherapist, Osteopath, Family Violence Specialist, Teachers, School Wellbeing Officer and /or Psychologist.
What is Therapy?
Therapy is working with the client who seeks relief from psychological or physical symptoms. As a remedial massage therapist, Caroline has assisted many clients who are living with Chronic Pain. These client often want to get to the source of the physical problem and address it physically or learn ways to manage the pain and emotions associated with a chronic health issue.
Therapy deals with the client’s mental health and physical wellbeing. The client’s motive for entering therapy or counseling is usually to get away from pain or discomfort. However a combination of counselling, remedial treatments and coaching can motivate clients to move towards desired goals. They are taught strategies for coping with their condition and for improving management of the symptoms. Many client’s are delighted to make full recoveries or to find new ways of managing their condition which gives them a new lease on life.
What is Coaching?
Coaching is generative not remedial. Therefore when a client is ready to set and achieve new goals, then coaching is often very effective. The approach to working with clients at this stage is very different to counselling or therapy. See info on this website about Coaching https://positivepsychologycoaching.com.au/services/one-on-one-counsellingcoaching/

Counselling and Therapy are offered in private consultations. At this time they are offered in person (face to face) or via Zoom or Telephone for 60 minutes. Please go to the booking link below and select a appointment for 60 minutes, 90 or 120 mins.
Please note that Counseling and Coaching are not covered by Medicare for Mental Health Care Plans or for Health Insurance rebates.